Group Visits

Great days out for groups of twenty of more people

Almond Valley is a big spacious site that offers all the facilities and fun necessary for a great group outing. Group visits are welcome at any time of the year, and a special discount rate is available. Admission for adults costs £10.00 while children (aged 2 - 15 years) are charged at £8.00.

In order to qualify for this group discount:

  • The group must contain 20 or more individuals who are charged for admission.
  • The visit, and any special requirements, must be booked at least a week in advance using the online booking form.
  • One person must be nominated as group leader, and will remain responsible for the group throughout the visit.
  • The group must enter the site together. If visitors arrive by their own transport, the group visitors need to assemble outside and enter as a single group.
  • Payment must be made on the day of your visit as a single payment for the whole group. Invoices will not be issued unless supported by a local authority purchase order.

Many of the attractions of Almond Valley are of a style that require accompanying adults to be available to monitor and regulate play, and to join in or help with other activities. In this respect we’re rather different from the free-for-all of a public park. Group bookings can only be accepted on the understanding that groups include a sufficient number of adult helpers who will continue to exercise supervision and control of the children in their charge in the same manner that a parent would. This ensures both the happiness and safety of your group and that of other visitors.

How to Book

Just push the button at the foot of the page and complete the online form. We'll send you an email to confirm that we've received your booking along with the timetable for your visit. Please make sure you are completing the correct booking form for your visit.

Practical matters

We ask that you identify a group leader who will be in charge of your group throughout your visit, and provide a mobile phone number so we can contact the leader during the visit, should the need arise.

On arrival, the group leader should report to reception and let us know the precise number of adults and children in their group. Payment in full is required by cash, credit card or cheque; we cannot invoice you unless supported by a local authority Purchase Order. We'll then direct the rest of your group onto the site, using a side entrance if things are busy.

Almond Valley normally opens at 10am, but an earlier arrival can be arranged if required. Across the site there's a range of covered (although unheated) spaces, suited for eating packed lunches.

Staying Safe

Animals can carry some very nasty germs, and although we do everything possible to minimise all risks, it's important that everyone washes their hands thoroughly after any contact with animals. Adults need to supervise children to make sure this is done properly.

There are ample toilet and handwashing faculties with soap and hot water, across the site. We encourage all group leaders to study The Industry Code of Practice for advice on farm visits, and ensure that those in their charge follow good practice.

We advise against reliance on hand sanitiser gels, as these do not provide the same level of protection as traditional supervised handwashing.

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Optional activities

There are a number of optional activities that require advance booking.

  • Capacity of our soft play area is limited and operates sessions lasting for a full hour beginning at set times, and at a cost of £2 per child. It consequently might not be suitable for large groups and is restricted to children aged under 8 years.
  • Tractor and trailer rides can be booked for groups at most times of the year; the short trip around the cropping field costs £1 per person.
  • Train rides are available of specific dates during May and June. These must be pre-booked for a minimum of 20 persons, and a cost of £2 per person.

These optional activities have a limited capacity and are often fully booked at busy times. Regrettably there's likely to be little scope to make the choice on the day of your visit or leave the decision to individual members your the group.

Advice to download